Friday, August 21, 2009

Trivia & Bingo

Most Wednesdays I went to trivia at the Marly in Newtown. However, this stylish pub is not the only place that offers a Trivia night. In fact, any night of the week you can find a trivia somewhere in Sydney. Before coming to Australia I had never engaged in Trivia before but it is great. SO, here is how it works: 1. you go to a bar with friends ( or shall I say mates) 2. You and your friends answer questions on a piece of paper as announced by a sensational host 3. If you get the most questions correct you win money to the bar/ free beer !

At the Marly I was part of the team called " Mt. Cleverest". Many of the questions happened to be about the U.S, but despite my citizenship I was of no use. To be perfectly honest I am shit at Trivia, like really terrible at it. BUT, I am good at bingo which you need no skill for. I guess that means I'm just lucky

When I moved to Glebe I noticed that my local pub, called the Toxtenth hotel, offered free bingo on Sunday nights. Intrigued, I made an appearance AND won! I went to Bingo twice and all together won $140 to the bar and a meat tray!!!! AMAZING! I won mostly because I was the only one playing... but still, it was great! It was really entertaining too, mostly because of the host. For each number announced there was a saying that went along with it. Most of these sayings rhymed, for example: "#8, heavens gait". However some of the sayings made NO SENSE, for example: " #56, was she worth it". UMM.... what does that mean? or another personal favorite of mine: "# 2, 1 duck". If the number is 2 then why is there only one duck. That makes no sense. if these make sense to you please share you superior intelligence with me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Four Attempts at Fishing

So I have attempted to go fishing four times while in Australia. After the first two attempts at fishing resulting in failure a regular person would just give up, throw in the towel, but I had never been fishing before so I was persistent.

Fishing Attempt 1: One night in April, Jeff, Ben, and I decided to go to a jazz club, but there was no jazz that night, so we decided to go fishing at Midnight instead. To be honest ,I am not sure why we thought the logical thing to do was go fishing just because the bar wasn't playing jazz that night, however, I was so excited. Like I said I had never been fishing before. So We drove to Ben's house and put the rods and the bait and of course the mass amounts of alcohol in to this old beat up car. Ben promised me I could drive this car to the water, as I was also hoping to drive on the opposite side of the road! Well the car was so beat up that it didn't even get to the end of the street. We had to abandon the car on the side of road and take all the fishing equipment in another car. We finally got to the water and sat on the rocks and drank with the rods in hand, but not in the water. We literally just sat there holding them in the air, So we didn't actually fish ,but just drank holding a fishing rod. Eventually we got so drunk that no one could drive home and we were all forced to sleep in the car. A few hours later I woke up on Ben's living room floor and missed my internship because SOMEONE refused to drive me to the train station. I called in "sick" that day,which turned out alright because my coworker in charge of me said she was "sick" that day too!

Fishing attempt 2: Shelly, HeathA, Ben and I drove down the South Coast to look at a scooter. We spoke about going fishing but forgot all the equipment necessary for fishing, i.e fishing rods...... FAIL

Fishing attempt 3: I Arrived at Ben's house looking forward to finally going fishing! However the day was ruined early on when entering his house. To get to the side door one must walk on tiles surrounded by water. I lost my footing... AND fell in the water..... It was a lot deeper than it looked. The next thing I knew I was standing in water up to my waist. My skirt was soaked and more..... Ben, instead of helping me out of the water, stares at me and runs off to get his camera. Soaked, I was forced to barrow clothing that was built for a 6' 1"man. The shorts went from my ribs to almost my ankles, I felt ridiculous and looked ridiculous. Despite my embarrassment and discomfort, we eventually made it in the car to go fishing. We arrived at a body of water a half hour later just to realize we forgot the bait. Disappointed and wishing I was wearing my own clothing, we turned back and spent the rest of the day drinking instead. A few months later I found out that Ben had a dryer the whole time that he neglected to mention.
(To the right is a picture of what I fell in)

Fishing attempt 4: So we finally made it to water with both RODS and BAIT! We cast our rods and then ..... It starts pouring. Fishing trip Over :(
So I never successfully went fishing.