Monday, February 2, 2009

living life in Australia.

Hello All!

I have been in Sydney Australia for a little less than 3 weeks now and am very pleased to say that I am enjoying myself! Sometimes in the morning I wake up in my small bunk bed, located in a room that is the size of a bathroom, and picture myself on the map. I imagine the distance from Boston to Sydney and realize how far I am from home. Luckily I am enjoying the distance. Everyone I have met thus far has been great. The weather is amazing too. Right now Sydney is in the midst of summer, but it is a different summer than back home. So far the weather has been a dry heat with a great ocean breeze that feels like silk against my skin. Any one that knows me well, knows that I love wind! This might just be the city for me. There are also a lot of trees, which a lot of big cities are missing, and I adore as well. The trees are beautiful, but at night you see these huge bats, about the size of parrots or crows, flying over Victoria park. They are the largest bats I have ever seen in my life, but I have a feeling I'll be saying that about a lot of animals and things here.
Last night I went to the Chinese new year parade, but could not see anything because people here are so tall, specifically men. I feel kinda short here :( I have never felt short before although people tell me I am. I always heard that study abroad was supposed to teach you about yourself and so far I have learned that I might not be that tall, but I am not sure I am willing to except that. Until I am, I will continue to tell people that Micheal Jordan and I share sneakers.

1 comment:

  1. lol Michael Jordan and I share sneakers...haha oh Marisa. Great beginning blog!=]
